Hits: 184    Release time: 2019-03-15 10:16:57

Below you will find our  rigid-flex manufacturing process. Including, material preparations, etch, drilling, plating, to final fabrication. See our company website or call us for more information.

Material Preparation (Pre-Clean)
Production panels chemically cleaned, prior to application of circuit forming photo resist film, to ensure proper film adhesion. Conveyorised process utilizing thin core handling equipped systems to prevent damage to ultra thin material cores.

Circuit Pattern Exposure
Photo resist coated panels, overlayed with circuit artwork patterns, exposed with collimated UV light to transfer circuit image(s) to production panels. Both sides exposed simultaneously if required.

Etch Process
Circuit patterns chemically etched using specialized thin core handling equipped conveyorized systems. Both sides of panels etched simultaneously if required.

Drilling Process
High speed, high precision, small hole capable, drilling systems create required circuit hole patterns in production panels. Laser based systems available for ultra small hole requirements.

Copper Plating Process
Fully automated electrolytic copper plating systems deposit required additional copper within plated through holes to form layer to layer electrical interconnects.

Coverlay Application
Polyimide Coverlays aligned and tacked into place on production panels prior to Coverlay lamination process.

Coverlay Lamination
Coverlays laminated to production panels under heat, pressure and vacuum to ensure proper adhesion.

Stiffener Application
Localized additional stiffeners (if required by specific design) aligned and applied prior to additional lamination process under heat, pressure and vacuum.

Electrical Test
100% netlist driven electrical test per IPC –ET-652. Simultaneous testing of all circuits for continuity and isolation. Both grid and flying probe test systems utilized.

Final Fabrication
Individual parts die cut from production panel using high precision male / female punch and die sets. Other methods include laser cutting, mechanical routing, steel rule dies and chemically milled dies depending upon specific design requirements.

 For  more information  please contract  us   

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